
Heavens Gate

The clim­bing gym —
Clim­bing, Bould­e­ring, enjoying




Clim­bing- & Bould­e­ring area

About Heavens Gate 

In 1998 the club IG Klet­tern M&S e.V. ope­ned one of the first clim­bing gyms in Munich in the old fac­to­ry site of Pfan­ni! (a ger­man pro­du­cer of pota­to pro­ducts). Gro­wing old over the years, it was lovin­g­ly reno­va­ted and moder­ni­zed bet­ween 2017 and 2021. It now appears in a new face and com­bi­nes tra­di­ti­on and moder­ni­ty. The 30 meter silos, the most famous attri­bu­te of Heavens Gate, remain­ed and new, modern clim­bing and bould­e­ring are­as have been added. The result is a most­ly bar­ri­er-free and modern clim­bing and bould­e­ring faci­li­ty for all requi­re­ments in the Werks­vier­tel Mit­te, an inno­va­ti­ve and lively city quar­ter. Despi­te the moder­niza­ti­on Heavens Gate has retai­ned its uni­que charm. It con­ti­nues to be a mee­ting place for ever­yo­ne — no mat­ter whe­re you come from or what lan­guage you speak. Ever­yo­ne is welcome.

Clim­bing & Bould­e­ring at Heavens Gate

We offer you a wide varie­ty of clim­bing options:
In addi­ti­on to the new, modern clim­bing walls, a new­ly built clim­bing hall on the 2nd flo­or and a slight­ly dif­fe­rent cra­zy world in our short silos, you can even go hig­her and dare to go into the 30 meter silos. Clim­bing defi­na­te­ly feels spe­cial the­re. In the warm months you can enjoy our out­side clim­bing wall with an ama­zing view over the who­le Werks­vier­tel. Addi­tio­nal­ly we offer two auto­be­lay sys­tems which gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to climb wit­hout a belay­ing part­ner. We also pro­vi­de you with 2 top ropes in the 30 meter silos and 1 top rope in the 2nd floor.

Bould­e­ring is offe­red in two dif­fe­rent are­as. The new­ly built bould­e­ring gym on the ground level with a sepe­ra­te trai­ning area. The trai­ning area inklu­des a tilt board which can be til­ted to 45 degrees. In the base­ment you can find more bould­e­ring are­as with inte­gra­ted long tra­ver­ses, an area for child­ren and a second trai­ning area. The­re you can find hang­boards, dif­fe­rent weights, wall bars and more.

Clim­bing courses

You can find a broad varie­ty of clim­bing cour­ses for all skill levels here. All cour­ses can also be done in eng­lish. For boo­kings and fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on plea­se cont­act us via E‑Mail kurse@igklettern-muc.de or call us 089 200030715.

Ope­ning hours

Mon­day to Fri­day: 7 a.m. — 11 p.m.

Satur­day, Sun­day and public holi­days: 9 a.m. — 11 p.m.

Addi­tio­nal Information

Com­for­ta­ble sports­wear would be recom­men­ded. All other nee­ded gear can be ren­ted out at the reception.

Guest of Wom­bats get a 10% dis­count of the ent­rance fee. 

Plea­se bring your Wom­bats room­key for the check-in. You can regis­ter yours­elf before­hand via this link or use the regis­tra­ti­on ter­mi­nals next to our ent­rance befo­re your check-in.

(*) Harness, Belay device & clim­bing shoes
* Mem­bers of IG Klet­tern M&S e.V.
** Young peo­p­le aged 14–17, pupils, stu­dents, Buf­dis, FSJ, trai­nees, Natu­re­fri­ends mem­bers (only valid for non-mem­bers of IG Klet­tern M&S e.V.) and sever­ely dis­ab­led peo­p­le recei­ve a reduc­tion upon pre­sen­ta­ti­on of their ID. Young peo­p­le bet­ween the ages of 14 and 17 may only use the faci­li­ty when accom­pa­nied by an accom­pany­ing adult or upon pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the signed decla­ra­ti­on of con­sent by the legal guar­di­an + a copy of the sig­ning person’s ID.
*** Child­ren below the age of 14 years are only allo­wed to use the faci­li­ty when accom­pa­nied by an accom­pa­ning adult. If the accom­pany­ing per­son is not a legal guar­di­an, a decla­ra­ti­on of con­sent from the legal guar­di­an plus a copy of the sig­ning person’s ID must also be sub­mit­ted. Child­ren < 6 years with an acti­ve Mem­ber­ship have free admis­si­on with a pay­ing companion.
**** max. 2 adults + any num­ber of child­ren, all from one household